Childcare Solutions and Workplace Productivity Plan

Click here to see licensed child care programs in Utah.

All Child Care Programs

Click here to see all child care programs in Utah. It takes a few minutes for all the variables to load. Users may want to unclick all the layer options (types of child care) once the map fully loads, and click on layers as you want to add each to the map. Zoom in to check out neighborhoods.

Licensed Infant Child Care

Licensed Child Care Centers. They provide care for children of all ages. The children have regular schedules of care. They must be in compliance with the R381-100 Rules.

Licensed Hourly Centers. They provide care for children of all ages. The children do not have regular schedules of care; they are cared for on a drop-in basis.  They must be in compliance with the R381-60 Rules.

Licensed Out of School Time Centers. They provide care only for school age (ages 5 to 12) children. The care is before and after school and on school holidays. They must be in compliance with the R381-70 Rules.

Licensed Commercial Preschool Centers. They provide care only for children between the ages of 2 and 4. Each child is in care for less than 4 hours a day. They must be in compliance with the R381-40 Rules.

Licensed Family Homes. Family child care homes are required to be licensed when they have 9 or more unrelated children. Otherwise, licensing is voluntary. The children have regular schedules of care. They must be in compliance with the R430-90 Rules.

Residential Certificate Homes. They also provide care for at least one child not related to them. The children also have regular schedules of care. Residential certificates are voluntary for home-based providers who have 8 or fewer children. They must be in compliance with the R430-50 Rules.

License Exempt Child Care

There are several different types of license exempt providers. For the purposes of the child care landscape project, the following license exempt programs are reflected.

Head Start and Early Head Start. Head Start programs are federally funded and serve children who primarily live in poverty. By law, at least 10% of children have identified special needs. While not subject to state licensing rules, Head Start programs must comply with comprehensive program performance rules including background checks for staff.

License Exempt Dept. of Workforce Services (DWS) Providers. They are center-based providers who are not required to have a Child Care License and want to be eligible for DWS child care subsidy payments and/or DWS grant money from Child Care and Development Funds (CCDF). They must be in compliance with the LE DWS Requirements

LE Providers. They are center-based providers who are required to have an exemption. They must be in compliance with the applicable Exemptions Rules.  

Child Care Licensing Registered Providers. They are home or center-based providers who are not required to have a Child Care License or Residential Certificate but are required, by another program or agency, to register with Child Care Licensing.  There are no rules or requirements that apply to them by the Child Care Licensing Office.

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that offers reimbursement to child care providers for nutritious meals and snacks for for children. In Utah, the program is administered by the Utah State Board of Education (USBE).

For additional information, see the Utah Department of Health & Human Services, Licensing and Background Checks web page.

Types of Child Care Programs in Utah

Licensed Child Care Near Public Transportation

Click here to see child care centers and family child care homes that participate in CACFP (the federal food program).

Head Start and Early Head Start Programs

June 2024

Home-based Child Care Programs in Neighborhoods where Spanish is Spoken

Click here to see child care supply in neighboods where Spanish is spoken at home. As the blue shading becomes darker, the percentage of children in homes where Spanish is spoken at home is greater.

Utah School Readiness and School District Part Day Preschool Programs

Click here to see School Readiness Grants and School Districts Offering Part Day Preschool Programs

Utah Child Care Home-based Businesses by County (U.S. Census Bureau Economic Survey)

Click here to see Utah's 4,013 sole proprietors in 2021 who were paid $73.4 million to care for children. In contrast, in June 2024, there were 925 state regulated family child care homes.

Licensed Child Care Programs

Colored backgrounds.The maps are set to U.S. Census Bureau data that shows children in families where all parents are working. Viewers can also choose to see a background layer reflecting children in poverty or a background layer reflecting the percentage of children in homes where Spanish is spoken at home.

  • Children in Working Families. The darker the shade of purple, the greater the percentage of children in working families. This is referred to as a working families layer.
  • Children in Poverty. The darker the shade of red, the greater the percentage of children living in poverty.
  • Children in Families Where Spanish is Spoken at Home. The darker the shade of blue, the greater the percentage of children in families where Spanish is spoken at home.

Your view of the interactive maps below can be customized by checking or unchecking the features you would like to see.

License Exempt Child Care Programs

Click here to see license exempt child care programs in Utah.

Licensed Home-based Child Care

Click here to see license exempt child care programs in Utah.

Click here to see licensed child care programs serving infants in Utah.

Licensed School-age Child Care

Click here to see licensed school-age child care programs in Utah.

Licensed Nontraditional Hour Child Care

Click here to see licensed child care programs offering nontraditional hour care in Utah.

Click here to see Head Start and Early Head Start Programs in Utah.

Click here to see licensed child care programs near public transportation in Utah.

Child Care Programs Participating in the Child Care Quality System (CCQS)

Click here to see licensed child care programs participating in the Child Care Quality System in Utah.

Child Care Programs Participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

Child Care Programs Accepting Child Care Subsidy Payments

Click here to  see child care centers and family child care homes that accept care paid for with child care subsidy funding.

Utah Child Care Home-based Businesses by County (U.S. Census Bureau Economic Survey)

Click here to see the number of home-based child care providers and annual revenue, 2012-2021.

Children by Age

  • Children under 3 years
  • Children under age 6
  • Children age 6-11

Children in Working Families

  • Children under age 6 with all available parents working (both parents in a 2-parent household & single parents raising children)
  • % of children under age 6 with all available parents working

Labor Force Participation of Mothers

  • Moms with children under 6 years only
  • Moms with children under 6 years & 6 to 17 years
  • Moms with children 6 to 17 years only

Household Income

  • Median household income
  • Average household income

Licensed Child Care Capacity

  • Licensed child care capacity for children (ages birth to 13)

Utah Child Care Solutions & Workplace Productivity Plan
Child Care Supply Mapping

The Utah Child Care Solutions & Workplace Productivity Plan includes child care mapping to better understand the current supply of child care throughout the state. The maps also show Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

Each map can be viewed from a statewide perspective, or you can zoom in to see counties, communities or neighborhoods.

A legend is available for each map to describe the type of program shown (licensed centers, licensed family child care homes, license exempt care, programs receiving school readiness grants, etc.).

Child Care Supply By Type of Care (Licensed and License-Exempt Programs)

Click here to see the annual economic impact estimated by the Bipartisan Policy Center in 2019 related to child care access gaps for children under age 6 by county.

Child Care Gap Economic Impact
Bipartisan Policy Center, 2019

Full Report

Executive Summary


One Page Summaries by Category

Child Care Supply

Child Care Workforce

Child Behavior

Child Care Affordability

Public-Private Partnerships

Utah Child and Family Data by County

Utah Employers with 10 or More Employees and Access to Licensed Child Care, 2024


Instructions:  Click on the map to enlarge the view. In the left panel adjacent to the map, you will see the types of child care (e.g., licensed centers, licensed family child care homes, etc.). Zoom in on the map to a county, city, or neighborhood. Click on the type of care on the left to add it to the map to see child care availability near or within a reasonable commuting distance to employers.

Click on the map or click here to see child care availability near employers by employer size and NAICS code (i.e., type of industry such as manufacturing, etc.).