Find out the latest on the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the Child Care & Development Fund (CCDF), and related child care initiatives and funding.
Find out more about the latest related to federal Preschool Development Grants Birth to Five (PDG B-5).
Find out the latest related to Early Head Start/Child Care Partnreships
Stay tuned for new reports from the Committee for Economic Development (CED) related to the economic impact of child care across states, labor force participation, and use of paid care.
From federal budget summaries, to the most recent data for federal early childhood programs, and related workforce data - this clearinghouse is a must for those who want the most up to date resources.
Children need you to help educate policymakers and advocate for quality child care in every community. Our on-line education and advocacy center are designed to give parents and advocates the tools they need to promote quality child care policies. Check out our action center, or better yet, ask how you can get a state page!
Check out the interactive data visualizations related to child care funding, TANF funding, child care prices reported by parents, BLS child care wage data, and more.
Find out more about Congressional legislation to invest in child care.