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2015 Child Care & Early Childhood Education Business Summit

2015 Child Care & Early Childhood Education Business Summit

Thursday, December 3, 2015

 the Wyndham Virginia Crossings Hotel & Conference Center in Glen Allen, VA

Participant Toolbox - Afternoon Sessions

1:00 - 1:15

Funding Your Passion: A Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising. Fundraising is often one of the most difficult challenges for any program.  This workshop includes an overview of different types and sources of funding, the basics to creating a fundraising plan, and tips about how to share your story, engage others and turn customers into investors and advocates of your cause.  Need help with fundraising and a communications plan? Start with this workshop on your pathway! Download presentation.

Julia Henderson, The Virginia Society of CPAs and The Cami Campaign




Provider Cost of Quality Calculator: Rates to Support High Quality Programs. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has a new Provider Cost of Quality Calculator (PCQC) on its website. Providers and state agencies are partnering to use the calculator to better understand program budgets and enlist higher subsidy payment rates to support high quality programs. Hear about the successes of other states and how the Cost of Quality Calculator can help you. Operating d high quality program is a business; costs matter. Maybe your community is right for a pilot! Download presentation.

Grace Reef, Child Care Aware of Virginia




Click here for our morning sessions!

A New Vision for Child Care – A New Partnership

Rachel Schumacher, Director of the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services



From Educator to Entrepreneur Extraordinaire: How four women did it Aligning mission, operations, and finances to create the centers of their dreams – lessons learned for effective leadership

Download Keynote.

Nedra Sims Fears, Fears Consulting and Training


1:55 - 3:10

1:15 - 1:45

Need Money? Bank & Government Loans for Child Care Providers. This workshop de-mystifies financing options for start-up, expansion, and quality improvements.  From government
programs to private bank lending options, this panel offers an opportunity to hear from the experts in an easy to understand manner. Panelists represent: the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority (VSBFA); the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA); the United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA, Rural Development Community Programs Office), Virginia Community Capital (VCC, a statewide community development bank), and EVB (a community bank serving multiple locations in eastern Virginia).

Panel ModeratorLauren M. Small, Hampton Roads Small Business Development Center

Panelists: Mary Jo Sisson-Vaughan (Virginia Small Business Financing Authority, VSBFA); Ford Scott (U.S. Small Business Administration, SBA); Jim Maras (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development); Dawn DeHart (Virginia Community Capital, a statewide community development bank); and Beth Bettley (EVB, a community bank serving eastern VA).

Handouts: VSBFA Programs, SBA Business Resources, SBA Borrower Key Information, SBA Programs, SBA Lender Rankings, USDA Community Facilities Loans and Grants

Presentations: VA Community Capital, USDA Loans, EVB Bank

Maximizing Food Dollars: Understanding the Market of Food, the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP healthy meals & snack reimbursement) and Promoting Health & Nutrition. The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) is the state agency that administers the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), which reimburses child care programs for healthy meals and snacks. This workshop will review the intent of the program and outline responsibilities of both VDH and child care centers – a public-private partnership to ensure that children receive healthy and nutritious meals which make them hungry to learn! Future changes to the program will be discussed, including the new and improved application process scheduled to take effect in 2017. Download presentation.

Michael J. Welch, Ph.D., Virginia Department of Health

Dawn DeHart

Jim Maras

3:15 - 3:30

Conclusion:  Taking your Thoughts and Ideas to the Next Level, Door Prizes  & Evaluations

Reminder:  You have to be present to win one of our many door prizes!

Sharon Veatch, Executive Director, Child Care Aware of Virginia


Rachel Schumacher

Nedra Sims Fears

Julia Henderson

Grace Reef